Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Photo Scavenger Hunt

I don't know about the pictures because I wasn't here yesterday. But I think we will complete all of pictures today. I think we will be really fun pictures. We will do all of our pictures at school. I don't have a favorite yet but, when we take the photos, I will a favorite.     

Monday, December 7, 2015

How To Make Good PSA

How to a good PSA is to make sure your facts are true. You also need cite your sources. When you presentation to your class, you need to speak loud. You also need to make sure you correct spelling. Never give false information. Also work on hard on it or do your best on it, so you can get a good grade. that is how to make a good PSA.    

Are Digital Age

The digital age we live in is crazy. What I love about are digital age is that I love cell phones and laptop. The i phones is awesome. What I don't like about it is everyone is on there phones and so no know talks to each other anymore,even if there sitting right to each other they are texting to them. I don't like Bluetooth because you have to sick it in your ear and it hurts and some are huge and it frustrating to have put it on,take it of,and then real plug it in.      

Friday, December 4, 2015

Partner Work Experience???

I liked it but I was also really really hard too. It was so hard working with a partner without talking to them, man the real world is tough. I don't think i could do this on a regular bases at work because it would be so hard for me. I think that it would be to hard for me. What I learned from this experience is that the real world is so tough I am so glad I am not there yet,got two years left.

Thursday, December 3, 2015

10 Years From Now???

Where will I be 10 years from now? I think that I will be married with two kids already. I want 12 kids too. I will have finish college and have master in acting and dancing. I will be living California and I will be a working actress. That is where I will be 10 year from now.    

What is email etiquette??

What is email etiquette. Email etiquette is what not to do when you email need to careful when you email. You need to have good greeting and conclusion. You to send a professional email. Also you cant send one like you are sending it to a friend. That about email etiquette.